
Our priorities

Through Local Decision Making, we have direct access to and relationships with the NSW Government, allowing us to change the way decisions are made for our community. Below you’ll find an outline of the key priority areas we’re focusing on.

Our priorities
Our priorities


We will work in partnership with the NSW Government on an Accord that aims to create an Aboriginal Housing Strategy that focuses on improving housing for Aboriginal peoples in the TRRA footprint. All engagement will follow local cultural protocols.
Housing commitments and responsibilities.


Through this Accord, we will work with the NSW Government to substantially strengthen the access, participation and educational achievement for Aboriginal peoples within the TRRA footprint. All engagement will follow local cultural protocols.
Education commitments and responsibilities.

Economic Development

Through this Accord, we will work with the NSW Government to substantially strengthen the economic opportunity and participation for Aboriginal peoples within the TRRA footprint. All engagement will follow local cultural protocols.
Employment and economic development commitments and responsibilities: 4.1. The Three Rivers Regional.


We will work in partnership with the NSW Government through the below Accord to substantially strengthen the health of Aboriginal peoples within the Three Rivers Regional Assembly footprint. All engagement will follow local cultural protocols.
Health commitments and responsibilities.

Incarceration and youth at risk

TRRA’s goal is that the rate of Aboriginal incarceration and recidivism (return to jail) is reduced, and young people who are at risk of interaction with the justice system are supported with alternative activities and pathways.

TRRA advocates for the development of adequate programs within its region to reduce domestic violence and related issues such as intimidation, stalking, harassment, and breaches of AVOs. It also calls for programs that offer meaningful pathways for young people to avoid the criminal justice system. Additionally, TRRA emphasises the need for jail release procedures that engage with Local Aboriginal Land Councils (LALCs), ensuring prisoners are released during business hours with sufficient notice to arrange transportation back to their hometown, aiming to reduce recidivism.

Culture and Heritage

TRRA’s goal is for Aboriginal culture and heritage to be protected, sustained and celebrated.

TRRA advocates for support for Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) members and native title holders to manage significant cultural sites, including grave sites, across both public and private land. It calls for increased opportunities for special-purpose cultural water licenses within its region, and for negotiations with the NSW Government to remove barriers preventing culturally significant water flows in rivers. TRRA also seeks greater representation of Aboriginal culture in regional arts and cultural centres and support for the development Aboriginal Cultural Centres in the area.

Child Protection

TRRAs goal is that child removals cease and earlier, holistic supports are put in place for families that need it, so that children can stay in their care and maintain their cultural connections.

TRRA will advocate for early identification of families at risk of having children removed, aiming to ensure necessary supports are in place to prevent such situations. In cases where poverty contributes to the risk, TRRA emphasises addressing the poverty rather than removing the child. Additionally, TRRA seeks to build the capacity of Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisations (ACCOs) to manage Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) within its region. The organisation also calls for data on the number of Aboriginal children removed and immediate notification if any child is at risk or has been removed, so it can support the family or facilitate placement with an Aboriginal relative.

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